The Process : Film : - Negative and Slides :
STEP 1: -
Images are dusted and fingerprints removed. An anti-static treatment is applied to the film surface. Other stains, i.e. pollutants such as coffee, sugar, alcohol are not removed. Images suffering from mould will not be cleaned without first taking a digital copy before the treatment is applied.
STEP 2: -
Images are digitized into 3 density files of 5000dpi in a RAW file format. The film is then re-housed in a new protective holder sheet and is dated and archived
STEP 3: -
Raw files that were negative images, are inverted in post-production into positive images. Digital contact prints sheets are generated in a PDF format: The raw files are finally saved on two separate supports for security. A separate folder containing files in a jpeg format for printing is supplied. Finally, a third copie of the raw files are kept for one year on our server should the client require further work done: